Noelle Nemoia


I hope this email finds you well. Wait, this is a website. My name is Noelle. I go by AuroraNemoia online. Or sometimes just Nemoia, and sometimes just Aurora.

I'm a dumb girl with a big dream, the size of which is only dwarfed by my love for others. I find caring for people and listening to their side to be incredibly important and powerful.

On this page you'll find links to a bunch of places and people I think are really cool. And to things I've created or helped work on.


Here's some things I worked on or created.


Meaningful digital friendship
Working as project creator and lead developer.

Go to site


Open-source VTuber toolkit
Helped in the creation of the logo, wordmark, and brand design.

Go to site


Online AI characters and chat
Done most of the web design, branding and logo.

Go to site

The original Discord bot list
Redesigned the website.

Go to site

My music


Featuring Eleanor Forte
A complete album by me. Art by LightDreamer.

Listen now


Music without a home
All the stuff that hasn't been finished or given a home yet. Cover is a lame joke.

Listen now

Cool people and places

Here's the promised cool people list


Says he's useless and apparently not cool. But I think that's a load of bullshit.

Find oofdere on Bluesky and Github!

Also works on Unikara, so based by default.


Rudy is cool person who makes blog and AI assistant thing.

You can find them on Bluesky and on their blog.

Other links TBD